Thank You Secret Paws!!!
With Mommy's hurty tooth we got our goodies but couldn't open them right away. First she made us wait til me and Mini and Sanjee all got ours. Then she felt really icky with the abcessed toothy and the brainkillers. But Christmas eve we got to open. Yay!!!
Lookie at what I got from my Secret Paw Shadow!
Oh lookie! A neato shiny kitty wand. I'll have to get the staff to do their job and wave it around for me. Maybe they can use those opposable thumbs to help me get it out of the package too.
Oh yes, I LIKE this LOTS!
And lookie! Shiny mousies too!
And a jingle ball! Wow! You're a super Secret Paw, Shadow!
Thank you so much Shadow!!! I love all my goodies! It's hard to decide which to play with first!
I'll try this one. Shake that stick, Grandma! Woo hoo!
It's even good to gnaw on when the staff is pooped!
Thank you thank you thank you Shadow!
Hi, I'm Mini. I'm Boni's and Sanjee's sister and I don't blog much. I'd rather eat and nap and play. But I read yalls blogs with Boni and that's lots of fun! Boni said I could post about how much I love my Secret Paws goodies, too! Thank you Boni.
Like Boni said, we had to wait til Christmas Eve to open our Secret Paws pressies since Mom was feeling icky from her hurty tooth and brainkillers. I sure was glad when Mom felt good enough to let us open them! Look at my pressies!
My Secret Paw was anony-mouse, but he/she is a great Secret Paw!
Thank you Secret Santa Paws!!!
I don't know who you are, but you're super!
Hey, aren't those Temptations things edible?
And isn't that an octopus thingy like Buddah has? Or is it Max? Or am I so excited I'm confused?
I'm not so confused that I can't try out those Temptations thingies.
They look yummy!
Oh yes, very yummy! Give me another one, Grandma!
I could eat them allllllllllllllllll. YUM YUM!
Ok, if you won't let me eat all the Temptations yummies,
I'll stop and check out this octopus toy. It looks neat but it has
this cardboard stuff stuck to it.
Thanks for gettin the cardboard off, Grandma.
But let me keep playin with it. I'm pretty sure it's NOT a HAT!!!!
Thank you soooooooooooooooo much my Secret Paw!!! I'm gonna sneak the rest of my Temptations later when Grandma isn't looking. Love, Mini
Lookie at what I got from my Secret Paw Shadow!

Thank you thank you thank you Shadow!
And Mini got her Secret Paw stuff too! Since she's too lazy to blog (she just reads them with me!) I'll let her put her piccies on my blog.
Hi, I'm Mini. I'm Boni's and Sanjee's sister and I don't blog much. I'd rather eat and nap and play. But I read yalls blogs with Boni and that's lots of fun! Boni said I could post about how much I love my Secret Paws goodies, too! Thank you Boni.
Like Boni said, we had to wait til Christmas Eve to open our Secret Paws pressies since Mom was feeling icky from her hurty tooth and brainkillers. I sure was glad when Mom felt good enough to let us open them! Look at my pressies!
My Secret Paw was anony-mouse, but he/she is a great Secret Paw!
Help me out, Grandma! I need those thumbs of yours!

I don't know who you are, but you're super!

And isn't that an octopus thingy like Buddah has? Or is it Max? Or am I so excited I'm confused?

They look yummy!

I could eat them allllllllllllllllll. YUM YUM!

I'll stop and check out this octopus toy. It looks neat but it has
this cardboard stuff stuck to it.

But let me keep playin with it. I'm pretty sure it's NOT a HAT!!!!
Thank you soooooooooooooooo much my Secret Paw!!! I'm gonna sneak the rest of my Temptations later when Grandma isn't looking. Love, Mini
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