Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Mom said TWO MINUTES to blog then she's got to work. I hate her work. It interferes with my blogging. Mom got back from the place the nice doktor sent her for tests. She grumbled some about them trying to make her pass out, but she seems ok. She smelled like Gree, though, when she got home, so I'm not sure if she really went for a test or if she just hung out with Gree. Since she says it'll be like a jillion sleeps til she gets the test results back, I suspect maybe she just played with Gree and is really havin the tests later. Cept she doesn't fib much. Well, about presents that are hidden and stuff, she fibs about them. I'll go meditate on all that and see if I can figure it out, cuz my two minutes are up and Mom is getting ready to steal the pu.......